Domain Validation is the fastest issuing method available to both business and retail customers (individuals) who do not have a registered company. No documentation - because it does not require company or business documents for a validation process, not even a call. The validation process is very simple and easy; All you need is to respond to the automated DCV (Domain Control Validation) message that you will receive.
Ensure that the WHOIS privacy for the domain name to be validated is public (at least temporarily during this validation process).
Traditional DCV method
Traditional is an e-mail DCV method. You will receive an email at an administrative contact address for your domain. The email will contain a unique validation code and link. Domain control will be done by clicking the link and entering the validation code.
Valid email addresses are those that the validation system can find in a Whois search; The following generic administrative email addresses @ domain.tld can be used:
admin @,
postmaster @,
hostmaster @,
webmaster @
- Before choosing to validate by any of the above addresses, make sure the address is functional, as you will receive the domain validation instructions here